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The Grain Market in India and the Creation of the BRICS Grain Union


The article examines the current situation in the wheat market in India and its potential within the global food security dynamic. In particular, it analyzes a number of instruments and programs of national policy in the grain sector: minimum support prices, public procurement, public distribution systems, storage facilities and their management, market regulation, trading mechanisms and platforms. In the aspect of the development of Indian grain trade and infrastructure, the Electronic Platform for National Agriculture Market (eNAM) and food commodities exchanges are considered. The article provides explanation on why India’s ambitious plans announced several years ago to expand wheat exports to the world market can hardly be fully realized in the near future due to such reasons as climate risks, phytosanitary problems and quality controls, lack of storage and logistics infrastructure, as well as the huge social and political importance of wheat supplies in the local market. Through the continuation of the current reforms in an efficient manner, India can resume the position of one of the leading wheat exporters. It is proposed that Russia, India and South Africa (as well as the potential new members – Iran and Argentina) create anew BRICS Grain Union.

About the Authors

A. Ivanov 
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russian Federation

Alexey Ivanov  – Associate Professor, Director, HSE-Skolkovo
Institute for Law and Development, School of Law, Director, BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre

11 Pokrovsky Blvd., Moscow, 109028

K. Molodyko
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russian Federation

Kirill Molodyko – Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, HSESkolkovo Institute for Law and Development, School of Law, Senior Expert, BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre

11 Pokrovsky Blvd., Moscow, 109028

M. Kalimullina
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Russian Federation

Madina Kalimullina – Senior Researcher, HSE-Skolkovo
Institute for Law and Development, School of Law

11 Pokrovsky Blvd., Moscow, 109028


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For citations:

Ivanov  A., Molodyko K., Kalimullina M. The Grain Market in India and the Creation of the BRICS Grain Union. BRICS Law Journal. 2022;9(3):117-143.

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ISSN 2409-9058 (Print)
ISSN 2412-2343 (Online)